Common Dry Herb Vaping Mistakes To Avoid

Dry herb vaporizing is typically a relaxing experience, but sometimes your adventure begins to resemble less of a holiday and more of a game of Pitfall! Dodging unforced errors and keeping your session rolling smooth is essential to getting the most out of your dry herbs.
That’s why Sutra Vape has been exploring all of the various pits that can interrupt your dry herbs sessions and put together a handy guide on how to avoid these common dry herb mistakes. Take a look below to see all of our tips and ensure that your next session is absolutely perfect!
Not Cleaning In Between Packs
Starting off with an easy mistake to avoid, not cleaning your dry herb vape before a session. If you leave remnants of leftover dry herbs in your chamber, these can over time build up and become tough to remove clumps of herbal reclaim.
Despite the fact your vape will still work, you will notice that these older materials bleed into your current session. Never attempt to pack fresh herbs on top of old materials, always remove the older ones first.
Once dry herbs have been vaped, they are completely spent. A standard session with a strong battery such as our Mini Vaporizer will be more than enough to extract all the potency and flavor that is locked with your dry herbs. Once done, there is no more use for your materials and you should promptly dispose of them.
Putting Your Vape Away Dirty
Additionally we have the issues that arise whenever you put your vape away after a session without having first cleaned it. While we know the call of adventure can be strong after ripping a fresh pack, it is essential to take the 30s to dump out your chamber and remove all of the AVB (already vaped bud) before putting it away.
This will prevent your AVB from sitting in there all day wasting away, leading to clogs and hard to remove material build up. Not only that, but should you happen to accidentally leave your materials in there for an extended period of time, you will come back to a truly ghastly chamber filled with spoiled herbs.
Jump over this easy pitfall by always making a mental note to empty out your chamber for next time. This way whenever the call of duty beckons, your dry herb vaporizer will be all ready for you to use and not require extensive, time consuming cleaning!
Using The Wrong Cleaning Tools
In conjunction with the cleaning tips above, we also wanted to caveat them by warning you that you should steer away from any tools that are sharp, metal, or have the potential to scratch the inside of your chamber.
Instead make use of soften tools like q-tips and wipes in order to keep your chamber safe from any internal damage. To assist with this we offer some strong affordable options including a collection of 300 Dab Swabs and 100 Cleaning Wipes. Both of these supplies are from the cleaning experts at Wulf Mods and are designed to clean out your chambers with the utmost of safety.
Packing Too Tightly
One of the most common dry herb errors people encounter arises from packing your chamber with too much material. Despite common intuition, most people just send it with a chamber pack as full as physically possible - this unfortunately leads to sub par performance.
When you try to pack too much herb into your chamber, you will end up pushing it down and thus compacting it. The issue here is that when it becomes super tight, the herbs almost coalesce into one whole and prevent any air flow from getting through.
Instead of all your herbs being evenly vaporized, you’ve essentially created a dry herb puck that will only heat from the outside in. This will lead to harsh vapor, bad flavor, and wasted dry herbs for a trifecta of disappointment.
Avoid all of this by simply taking the time to ensure your chamber still has room for air and isn’t packed down excessively. Always make sure to leave some extra room in the chamber and you will be all set to avoid this session ruining pitfall.
Packing Too Little
Now on the flip side of packing too tightly, we have the opposite - not packing enough dry herbs into your chamber. The thing is when you pack your chamber with too little herbs, the ones that are in there will essentially be super heated and your vapor will be harsh.
Despite the advances in dry herb chambers, if you don’t have enough materials loaded then their raw power is going to reduce your performance. To avoid this just simply make sure to always pack at least ⅓ of your chamber. The more your vape, the more you will find your own sweet spot.
Over Grinding Your Dry Herbs
Now we know that grinders like our Aluminum 4 Piece 50mm and 65mm have the ability to shred your herbs to the finest of consistencies, but the reality is if you pack ultra fine materials into your dry herb vape - you're going to have a bad time.
To experience your dry herbs at their fullest, you are going to want to aim for a coarse consistency that is ground without coming close to a powder. You want to be able to move your ground dry herbs around with your fingers to ensure proper air flow.
If you grind your herbs too thin, your vaporizer can end up rapidly over heating them for a burnt flavor and reduced session time. This is a common mistake made by rookie dry herb vapers, so don’t feel bad if you’ve done this, just course correct and get ready for sessions that are better than ever!
Smooth Vaping From Now On
The next time you're breaking out your dry herb vaporizer, make sure to review this briefer so that your session goes as smoothly as possible! At the end of the day we only know to avoid these issues because… we experienced them!
So learn from our mistakes and take your dry herb sessions to a whole new level! Click here for more Sutra Vape Blog postings and learn everything there is to know about vaping! Stay cloudy everyone!